Guided Reading F / DRA Level 10 books

Best Children's Books for:
Guided Reading Level F / DRA Level 10

Below are the best early reader books that are written at Guided Reading Level F / DRA Level 10 books. (It's the same level--just some schools use the one book leveling system and others use the other.)  In general, kids read books on this level in first grade. (Ideally, first graders start at level C-D / DRA 4-6 and keep progressing in reading to end of levels I-J / DRA 16.  However, every child is different, so check with your child's teacher to determine his/her exact level). In our experience, you can't just buy any books written at this level.  Because word choice is so restricted, many books written at this level are dreadfully dull or super awkward. But not the books below. They all pass our 'teacher test' AND kids really like them too. :)

All of the below Level F / DRA 10 children's books are available to buy on Please note that as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. We sincerely hope this lists will be a helpful resource for teachers in need of guided reading books or for parents looking for books for their own children to read. And if we've left your favorite off our lists, please do let us know!  We love book recommendations.

great series for kids at this level

Finding a good series is a GREAT way to get kids reading.  Read a few of the books to get them hooked...and the kids will keep coming back for more and more!  Here are a few of our favorite series that have level F/10 books. Note that as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Biscuit series books

I Spy early reader books

Noodles series books

we have two related websites

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